[EURONCAP] Anche loro si fanno i restyling... va bene??? :-P

Commenta insieme a noi i risultati di Euro NCAP. In più tanti crash test esteri con video e le anteprime degli speciali di Sicurauto.it

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luca comandini
Messaggi: 2575
Iscritto il: 19/03/2002, 1:37
Nome: Luca
Località: Savignano sul Rubicone, ForlìCesena, Romagna, Italia, Europa, Terra, Sistema Solare, Universo...

[EURONCAP] Anche loro si fanno i restyling... va bene??? :-P

Messaggio da luca comandini » 07/05/2007, 18:15



1- Lancio della nuova campagna per l'adozione dell 'ESP
2- Nuovo sito paurosamente stupendo :-)
3- Addio a questo logo Immagine verrà modificato... sarà + moderno mantenendo lo stile e i colori
4- Direttamente dal loro sito ci sono i VIDEOOOOOOO
5- Loghi nuovi per le 3 valutazioni (occupanti/bambini/pedoni)

Ho dato un'occhiata al volo e ho solo una parola...... LAVORONE!!!!!
Ultima modifica di luca comandini il 08/05/2007, 0:18, modificato 6 volte in totale.
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Welcome Sweden.... Volvo V40 D2, ex Ypsilon Twinair GPL

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luca comandini
Messaggi: 2575
Iscritto il: 19/03/2002, 1:37
Nome: Luca
Località: Savignano sul Rubicone, ForlìCesena, Romagna, Italia, Europa, Terra, Sistema Solare, Universo...

Messaggio da luca comandini » 07/05/2007, 23:32

comuniato ufficiale della revolution :-)

In our quest to provide the most up-to-date information about the safety of newly available cars, Euro NCAP is delighted today to unveil a new visual identity and crucially to introduce a new website. This website will represent an essential source of safety information, for both consumers and experts, with viewable crash footage, photos and safety results from all Euro NCAP crash tests displayed for a whole range of vehicles.

Over ten years ago, Euro NCAP presented its first ever results from vehicle crash testing. Since then, Euro NCAP’s distinctive black and yellow logo has decorated manufacturers marketing campaigns in television, magazines and newspapers, as a symbol of car safety. Euro NCAP will continue this strong association of trust by maintaining the key elements and colours of its former logo, with modern adaptations for its increased use.

Today, Euro NCAP is also introducing new logos for all its ratings. This will ensure that consumers are quickly able to verify the scores of any vehicle in the three protection ratings: Adult Occupant, Child Occupant and Pedestrian. Back in February 1997, manufacturers claimed that the assessment criteria were so severe that no car could achieve four stars for adult occupant protection. Yet so far in 2007, only one car out of eight has achieved fewer than four stars in this rating. Euro NCAP’s assessment criteria has not lessened in its severity, manufacturers are just taking safety more seriously.

Euro NCAP’s Secretary General Adrian Hobbs said, ‘I am happy that manufacturers are now achieving four or more stars in our adult occupant rating, but am continually disappointed that they are still not reaching the highest scores in the pedestrian rating. I am hoping that by introducing these new logos for our ratings that we will see increased performance in this crucial area of car safety.’

Today, Euro NCAP’s new and improved website will also go on-line. This website will offer greater possibility in comparing the results of crash tests of vehicles in the various categories. Website users will be able to view video clips of the crash tests of vehicles they are researching to understand their performance. Euro NCAP will also offer advice on various subjects concerned with car safety.

Euro NCAP Secretary General, Adrian Hobbs said ‘I believe that the introduction of Euro NCAP’s new website will revolutionise the way that we display the results of our crash tests. I also hope it will really assist consumers in choosing and buying a safer vehicle.’

Euro NCAP’s new visual identity and website is launched today at the Bridgestone Testing Ground near Rome. Euro NCAP is also releasing the results of our Europe-wide ESC fitment survey, which is presented as part of the Choose ESC! Campaign.

Euro NCAP’s commitment to consumers ensures that test results are released as soon as possible. Keep checking our website for details of forthcoming results.
SicurAUTO.it - Informazione indipendente per la sicurezza e i consumatori
La più ricca fonte d'informazione sui Crash test, il Codice della Strada, la Garanzia Auto, le News Auto, la Guida Sicura e tanto altro ancora!

Welcome Sweden.... Volvo V40 D2, ex Ypsilon Twinair GPL

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Messaggio da sciaci » 09/05/2007, 13:17

Davvero un ottimo lavoro!!!

Complimenti ci voleva, il vecchio sito era... :-[ :-[ :-[


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