What to do with wrong oil?

Solo discussioni generiche, es: l'additivo per la benzina serve a qualcosa? I fari allo xeno sono utili? Non improvvisatevi mai meccanici!

Moderatore: Staff Sicurauto.it

Juvenal Runte
Rank: Foglio rosa
Rank: Foglio rosa
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 19/10/2023, 8:29
Nome: JuvenalRunte

Re: What to do with wrong oil?

Messaggio da Juvenal Runte » 19/10/2023, 8:33

By using the surplus 10W40 oil in the Peugeot 106 with the proper oil filter, you can make the most of the oil you already have and maintain the engine's performance as best as possible. Just remember to adhere to the recommended oil change intervals and other maintenance guidelines specified for the Peugeot 106 to ensure smooth operation and longevity of the engine.


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